venerdì 15 agosto 2008

Impero di Trebisonda -Georgia

L'ultima imperatrice di Trebisonda, la principessa Yasmin, di Castrum Poti (Georgia)si rivolge a Putin, Busch, e alla terra dei suoi avi, per invocare la concordia.Sair la principessa Yasmin Puoti Comneno di Castrum Poti Aprile von Hohenstaufen Avril de Saint Genis de Burey Anjou,discendente dell'imperatore Giovanni Maria Comneno di Poti, (capostipite dei principi Puoti o Poto di Castelpoto,Bn, e Georgia,impero di Trebisonda,dinastia bizantina di Re Poto figlio di Re Adelchi, figlio di Desiderio che a Costantinopoli muto' nome in Flavius Gaius Patricius Teodatis di Castrum Komne o Poti , nei pressi di Costantinopoli, da cui Flavio Isacco Comneno,interviene nella crisi in Georgia per pacificare la Georgia con La Russia e gli Usa, edificando nell'avita Fassi o Poti il Centro internazionale per la Pace e la Fratellanza Tra i Popoli.Nulla e' impossibile tra cuori umani che cercano il bene comune e la solidarieta' tra creature in guerra. Basta con la violenza e l'astuzia ! L'avito Regno di Trebisonda apparteneva alla stirpe della gens Potitia che ascendeva a re Desiderio e a Costantino, a Giuseppe di Arimatea,dinastia dei desposini, il cui emblema era il serpente taumaturgico:Putin che ascende da tale stirpe, sia pure da un rame naturale ha in se' la capacita' di cercare tra le spine la rosa , ovvero il miele medicamentoso. Noi Yasmin von Hohenstaufen che degli imperatori di Trebisonda custodiamo il DNA,lo scettro e la corona, ratifichiamo che il Presidente Putin sia custode della Georgia terra dei nostri padri , per farne giardino fertile e aria di pace. Ci rivolgiamo al fiero popolo georgiano e a Busch affinche' trovino" parole nuove per una danza solare nel cuore bizantino."Emmanuel!per una memoria del futuro Correva l'anno 2008 ed era il> > > > > ed ecco il pregresso articolo sulla Pravda> > Vladimir Putin(Puoti) is a relative of all royal families of Europe> >> > Russian president Vladimir Putin was a mystery almost for everyone during the moment of his election. He seemed to be a man with no past, inspired with the symbol of the new epoch, but deprived of historic roots. The research, which was conducted by journalists from the Russian city of Tver, became a sensation. As it became known, the parents of the Russian president came from the Kalininsky area of the Tver region.> >> > The president-s family tree is not traced after Putin-s grandfather Spiridon Putin, who left the Tver governor for St.Petersburg at the age of 15. Vladimir Putin-s grandfather was a serious, reserved man of immaculate honesty. Spiridon Putin became a good cook. He worked in fancy restaurants in St.Petersburg before the revolution of 1917. Later, he was invited to cook for Lenin himself. When Lenin passed away, Spiridon Putin started working at one of Stalin-s dachas. Putin-s grandfather managed to survive the horrid period of the Soviet history. When he retired, he was living and cooking at a holiday camp of the Communist Party. Vladimir Putin tells about his grandfather that he was a man, who liked being silent most of his time.> >> > The researchers did not manage to trace the origin of this last name v Putin. The world-wide web knows only one Putin v Vladimir Vladimirovich. So, using online search engines is absolutely not good for that. No other scientists of history, no dictionary mentions anything about the name Putin amid tens of thousands of other names.> >> > On the other hand, there has been recently a surprising fact discovered. Vladimir Putin looks like Prince Mikhail Tverskoy. They both are not tall, with little hair and similar noses. Is Putin an offspring of the Tver prince? This hypothesis was getting more and more real. The name Putin is not mentioned amid the Russian names. This means that the name is of the artificial origin.> >> > This name has appeared recently, somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. All Putins originally came from the clan of Putins from the Tver region. Illegitimate offsprings of noble families were often given cut names. For example, Russian writer Pnin was an illegitimate son of Field Marshal Repnin. There were lots of other occasions like that v Betskoy instead of Trubetskoy, Gribov instead of Griboyedov. The new names of unofficial clan branches were formed by means of deduction: a syllable was simply taken out of it.> >> > The family book of the Tver region mentions the name of Putyanin v a clan of Russian princes. This clan gave a lot of outstanding military leaders to Russia, as well as artists, politicians and priests. This is one of the oldest clans in the Russian history. If President Putin is a descendant of King Poto , Puoti or Putyatins clan, this means that Vladimir Putin has a relation to all royal families of Europe.> >> > Gennady Klimov> > Maria Orlova> >> > Based on the materials from the Tver newspaper Karavan> >> > ********************Pravda> >> > Posted on Aprile 28th, 2008 at 13:54

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